Dr. Federico Tagliatti
Laurea in Psicologia Clinica, abilitazione alla professione (Ordine degli Psicologi dell’Emilia Romagna, tessera 5138.
Master Degree in Disturbi del comportamento alimentare al William Alanson White Istitute (USA, New Yourk City – Manhattan)
Docente di Disturbi di personalità e del comportamento alimentare alla Sichuan University (China)

My Education
I offer my counseling and clinical services to anyone who struggles through their life and are not sure of what is the solution. For 20 years I have been writing and working with various cases of social disorder, self-esteem programs and family/relationship issues. Being a New York Graduate School Professor, I enjoy blogging and publishing, as amuch as private sessions to help my patients to get the most out of the therapy.
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